Project plan

LDT Foundation project aims to improve living conditions of the deprived and underprivileged children in South Africa. This shall be done by empowering the most vulnerable by providing them with the skills they need to affect change for children in their own communities.

In the next three years, the LDTF project intends to work with the rural poor communities in South Africato build upon the skills and knowledge they have and need to become active participants in, rather than passive recipients of, the development process through Child Support project. This strategy will enable the project have durable and sustainable development in the community. In order to get value for money, ensure sustainability and achieve a wider impact, the project shall create partnerships and linkages with the government, like minded organizations and other stakeholders for technical support and resource mobilization for major interventions and policy orientation.

Goal: Increased learning opportunities for 102 marginalized children in South Africa by 2021 This project aims to increase access to basic education for 100 most vulnerable children in South Africa. This will be done by supporting 34 needy children every year for 3years with literacy resources (scholastic materials) in order to increase access, retention and transition rates of needy children from primary to secondary education. This will greatly reduce the number of children dropping out of school and those engaging in risky activities. We believe that with solid education background, these children will break the poverty cycle in their communities and become responsible and productive citizens in future.

As an effort to move away from the input-based project design, towards an outcome-based design that will focus on the desired results, the above project will empower children and community to effect change for children within their communities. This shall be done with a special focus on the needs and rights of the children,measuring impact on children, integral child participation and child rights and protection, counselling, mentorship and leadership. This project design contributes both to the international and national child development objectives. It is aligned to the International Child right conventions (UNCRC),the Millennium Development Goal on Poverty eradication, Education and Health and the South Africanlong-term development plan Vision 2030. The programme is anchored on the Children’s right to participation as outlined in Article 12 ofthe Convention and which states that children have the right to be heard and considered in decisions affecting them.

The LDTF project therefore intends to support marginalised communities to develop the structures and skills they need to provide a safe and healthy environment in which a child’s well-being can be realised.

Our programme strategies involve direct poverty reduction and lobby and advocacy by improving the living conditions of the poor people through a focus on service provision or by increasing the abilities of individuals to meet their own basic needs.This will strengthen socio-economic structures to produce a more equal balance of power and to give the marginalised people a say in social, economic and informed decision making on matters that affect their livelihoods.